Monday, October 7, 2013

Cake and smores

10/7/13  - I have had a small break from my dessert blog because of a recent move to the other side of town.  Being closer to downtown will enable me to sample tasty treats at many of the city's eateries. 
On Saturday, we had a drink at 5 Walnut wine bar, and I was in the mood for something sweet.  I ordered a slice of the raspberry almond cake with vanilla frosting.  This was a huge piece of cake, easily a perfect dessert to share.  The cake was rich with a slightly almond flavor, but not overpowering.  Layers of raspberry filling were a perfect match for the almond flavor and vanilla frosting.  This paired well with a glass of prosecco.
Yesterday, a simple classic was in order to satisfy my sweet tooth.  We have a fire pit at our new place.  I had been craving smores.  So I roasted marshmallows, got out the Hershey bar and put both on a chocolate graham cracker. (didn't have the regular grahams).  It is hard to beat this terrific combination.  In my opinion, marshmallows are not used enough in desserts!  For many folks, they are perhaps too sweet, but they are still yummy to me.  Also, they bring up pleasant memories of childhood - the only part of camping that I enjoyed was sitting around the campfire and toasting marshmallows!

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