Saturday, August 17, 2013

Crepe creation

Aug. 17, 2013 - Last night we stopped for a bite at Creperie Bouchon on our way to Downtown after Five.  This little restaurant is an offshoot of one of my favorite Asheville restaurants, Bouchon.  After having a delicious salad, I decided to order a dessert crepe.  I ordered the special crepe of the day, which was a coffee, chocolate chip crepe.  The crepe had coffee in the batter, as well as expresso chips and chocolate chips.  It was topped with whipped cream.  While the crepe had a nice coffee flavor, it could have used more chocolate chips.  Also, a sauce (perhaps a mocha sauce) would have been interesting.  I need to check out desserts at Bouchon as well.  One of my favorite used to be their crème brulee flight.

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